Spring begins at the Fortress

There are clear symptoms:

➡ Snow is gone (almost everywhere😛).

➡ Temperature is rising: outside 9-12 deg C./ inside no change 😛 9 deg C.

➡ The soldiers have felt the warm rays of the sun and as soon as the commander lets them out of his sight, they are lounging on the heated bench.

And our goats give very concrete evidence of this ❗❗❗❗

With spring comes with it new spring events. We start the countdown ⏰:

👉 in 12 days – April 2 – Lecture by Tomasz Przerwa,

👉 in 34 days – Launch Sunday

👉 41 days to the Silver Mountain May Fair and Antiques Exchange ❗❗❗

Spring views from our Donjon are breathtaking, until you want to … sing.

The fortress is open daily from 10 am to 5 pm, and from April 1 open until 6 pm.

Together we are working for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe. The project “Revitalization for cultural and educational purposes of degraded and inaccessible parts of the Silver Mountain Fortress Historical Monument” is implemented within the framework of the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021.

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