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Twierdza Srebrna Góra

Increasing popularity of defense facilities in the Cross-border region

The Silver Mountain Fortress is located in a cross-border area, which opens up great opportunities for attracting foreign tourists and increasing tourism in the cross-border area. The partner Hanička Fortress is a post-military site with similar characteristics, located not far from the Silver Mountain Fortress. It is undoubtedly a noteworthy point of excursion in the Polish-Czech cross-border area.

The project plans a joint promotional campaign with the use of the Internet, social media activities, advertising spots, leaflets and discount tickets. The partners’ cooperation is part of the trend of combining cross-border products of a similar nature, bringing together two post-military sites. The offer of the two fortresses will also be enriched – it is planned to purchase inter-active display equipment, adapted to modern audiences. The modern equipment will increase the competitiveness of the fortresses among other tourist attractions.

The project is aimed at linking cross-border tourism products, and partnership cooperation and planned activities will increase tourist traffic and popularize travel between the sites, encourage exploration of the border region. Implementation of activities between partners In turn, will allow to increase the number of users of collective accommodation facilities in the assisted area. The project, through planned activities, will involve the local community in the activities between partners, which will result in not only establishing, but also maintaining permanent cross-border contacts cross-border contacts and undertake long-term cooperation.
The project is implemented with financial support from the European Union and the European Regional Development Fund Regional Development Fund.

Main objective of the project:

The main objective of the project is to connect cross-border tourism products through promotion, joint activities (study visits by community leaders) and expansion of the current cultural offer of the two strongholds through the use of new technologies and the potential brought about by the cooperation partnership between the two sites.

Project partners:

Srebrna Góra Fortress (project leader), Rokytnice v Orlických horách and Hanička Fortress.

Total project value: EUR 234,881.13
ERDF co-financing value: 199,648.95 Euro

The project “Increasing the popularity of defense objects in the cross-border area” is co-financed is part of the Interreg V-A Czech Republic – Poland Cross-border Cooperation Program. Poland 2014-2020.

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