Project description
Name of the Project: Adaptation and restoration of the Monument of History – Srebrna Góra Stronghold for museum and tourist purposes, together with the creation of a new didactic route in currently inaccessible parts of the monument, co-financed by the European Union as part of the Regional Operational Programme of the Lower Silesian Voivodeship for 2014-2020,Priority axis 4 Environment and resources, Activity 4.3 Cultural heritage, Sub-action 4.3.1 Cultural heritage – horizontal competitions
Beneficiary: Twierdza Srebrna Góra Sp. z o.o.
Project no: RPDS.04.03.01-IZ.00-02-113/16.
Project funding agreement no. RPDS.04.03.01-02-0074/16-00 of 31 August 2018 concluded between the Lower Silesian Voivodeship represented by the Lower Silesian Voivodeship Board and the Beneficiary Twierdza Srebrna Góra sp. z o.o. represented by the President of the Board.
The project aims at adaptation and restoration of the Historic Monument – Srebrna Góra Stronghold for museum and tourism purposes, along with creation of a new didactic route in currently inaccessible parts of the monument. The implementation of the project will contribute to the use of the historical, renovated rooms for tourists visiting the Fortress, while their additional furnishing with exhibits depicting the history of the Fortress will make it more attractive. The project will raise the profile of the Srebrna Góra Stronghold as an attraction of the whole region.
As a result of the project, the immovable monument entered in the register kept by the Voivodship Conservator of Monuments in Wrocław, of outstanding significance for the national cultural heritage, will be revitalised, revalorised, subjected to conservation activities and adapted to perform new functions (in particular museum and tourist functions). The renovation and opening to the public of the deteriorated parts of the building as well as better exposition of the monument’s values will fulfil two synergic and complementary objectives:
1. it will enable visitors to access and display an outstanding “unique in Poland, and also on a European scale” cultural heritage and increase the number of visitors to cultural assets in the region, and
2. through the development of the monument, will enable its preservation for future generations.
Completion date:
Project implementation start date: 12.02.2016r.
Project completion date: 30.09.2018r.
Amount of total expenditure: 3 083 315.48 zł
Amount of eligible expenditure: 2,506,260.60 zł
Amount of non-eligible expenditure: 577 054.88 zł
Amount of co-financing: 2 005 008,48 zł , which constitutes 80% of eligible expenditure in the project
Amount of own contribution to eligible expenditure: 501 252,12 zł

Project timetable presenting its main milestones and progress
Name of task
Date of contract with the contractor
Value of the contract concluded with the contractor
Date of task completion
Preparation of feasibility study and application for funding
18 450,00 PLN (gross)
Development of a functional-utility programme
31 365,00 PLN (gross)
Project management and outsourcing
159 899,94 PLN (gross)
Sewage connection including design and permits
535 050,00 PLN (gross)
Maintenance and construction work, including drawing up technical documentation and obtaining the necessary permits
1 804 730, 54 PLN (gross)
Purchase of equipment for the exhibition
491 385,00 PLN (gross)
Promotional activities
42 435,00 PLN (gross)
Harmonogram projektu prezentujący jego główne etapy i postęp prac
Name of task
Preparation of feasibility study and application for funding
Date of contract with the contractor
Value of the contract concluded with the contractor
18 450,00 PLN (gross)
Date of task completion
Name of task
Development of a functional-utility programme
Date of contract with the contractor
Value of the contract concluded with the contractor
31 365,00 PLN (gross)
Date of task completion
Name of task
Project management and outsourcing
Date of contract with the contractor
Value of the contract concluded with the contractor
159 899,94 PLN (gross)
Date of task completion
Name of task
Sewage connection including design and permits
Date of contract with the contractor
Value of the contract concluded with the contractor
535 050,00 PLN (gross)
Date of task completion
Name of task
Maintenance and construction work, including drawing up technical documentation and obtaining the necessary permits
Date of contract with the contractor
Value of the contract concluded with the contractor
1 804 730, 54 PLN (gross)
Date of task completion
Name of task
Purchase of equipment for the exhibition
Date of contract with the contractor
Value of the contract concluded with the contractor
491 385,00 PLN (gross)
Date of task completion
Name of task
Promotional activities
Date of contract with the contractor
Value of the contract concluded with the contractor
42 435,00 PLN (gross)
Date of task completion
Execution of the task entitled “Sewage connection along with drawing up technical documentation and obtaining necessary permits” in the framework of the project “Adaptation and restoration of the Historic Monument of the Srebrna Góra Stronghold for museum and tourist purposes along with creation of a new didactic route in currently inaccessible parts of the monument”.
Discharge to the existing sanitary sewer system “ksB200” in the Upper Town Srebrna Góra street
Collector d200PVC with a length of 1060 m
Acceptance of works on 30 November 2017.
Meeting with Prof. Grzegorz Podruczny
Meeting with Prof. Grzegorz Podruczny on the reconstruction of elements of equipment for new exhibitions, including fortress artillery, equipment and livelihood of soldiers, water intake, tests of new military technologies in the second half of the 19th century.
Implementation of the task entitled “Purchase of equipment for the exhibition”.
Acceptance of the works on 15 August 2018. As part of the equipment purchased:
Fortress artillery:
- 12 lb. cannons 2 pcs. together with equipment
- mortars
- howitzer 7 lbs
- tripod – reconstruction of a cannon lift
- roller gun
- rocket guns
- cannonballs, shells, bombs, grenades – of various dimensions
For the exposition of soldiers’ rooms:
- soldier bunks
- 2 tile cookers, with exposition of preserved relics of tiles found on the fortress territory
- soldier’s rucksack with equipment: uniform, schoolbag, bread-bag, pouch, canteen,
personal items, coins - soldier’s pay.
- model of the Fortress core completed with missing elements: bridges, gun platforms, shooting galleries
- model of the Horn Fort – model after artillery tests from 1896 with exhibition of shells.
Works carried out during the action “Maintenance and construction works including preparation of technical documentation and obtaining necessary permits”.
The insertion of window woodwork has been completed.
Work continues on preparing the exhibition rooms for the reception of exhibits.
Preparation of the well for installation of the restored bucket wheel
Setting out new paths/trails to explore the fortress.
The corridors made available will form part of an educational trail

Removal of rubble and equipping the Lazaret part of the Lower Bastion with communication equipment, as well as installation of wall construction protection works.
Acceptance of the works on 31 August 2018.
As part of the project, construction works were carried out consisting in:
- revalorization and protection of the building substance of the object allowing access to the currently inaccessible structures of the fortress and extension of the sightseeing route in a way that makes it possible to bypass the entire external ring of fortifications surrounding the main structure of the fortress – the Donjon,
- revalorisation of the rooms and installation of exhibition equipment allowing the presentation of the fortress artillery system, e.g. preserved shells and replicas of old cannons and equipment for their service
- restoration of elements of the Fortress interior furnishings (e.g. black kitchen, tiled cooker, well scoop wheel, underground drawbridge in the postern of the well casemate)
- construction of a toilet for the disabled in the reception area of the Lower Bastion and a sewage connection of the Fortress to the municipal sewage system.
- Restoration of the promenade wheel next to the well casemate
- The machine is made in accordance with 18th century technical thought
- The capacity of the buckets is 78l, weight with water 110kg.
- A man weighing not less than 70 kg or two children are needed to run the machine
- Four types of wood: spruce, oak, larch and aspen
- Weight of the machine about 6 tons
- 720 wooden parts
- Watertight camera and monitor showing the inside of the well with a demonstration of how to draw water.
The implementation of the task entitled “Promotional activities” was completed on 31 August 2018.

Realised include :
- Media promotion, billboard campaign, internet campaign and a meeting to celebrate the opening of the new route.
- Internet campaign based on ad-words, dedicated to main client groups of the project, including inhabitants of Lower Silesia, people interested in history, monuments, fortifications, tourism.
- Promotional video.