⚒ Reconstruction of the bridge between the Upper Donjon Gate and the Upper Bastion begins!
⚒ Its construction will consist of more than 100 m3 of wood. Length of the crossing – 25 m, height – 12,5 and width – 4,4 m – keep your fingers crossed for the wood delivery!
⚒ In order to move forward with the bridge and gain access to other parts of the Fortress, climbers will first remove loose elements of the walls; the walls will be covered with protective nets for the duration of the work. Masonry work will continue on both bridge abutments. Hundreds of tons of stone to be re-built are also a great challenge. The reconstruction of the bridge was based on Grzegorz Podruczny’s historical research, including the most faithful source – the inventory of the fortress made by Captain and Plaza Major Bornsteadt in 1776-77, after the completion of the fortress’ main defensive works.
⚒ The works will, of course, be viewable from the crown of the Donjon… helped by the annual ticket we’re introducing from April 1 😉
See you in Srebrna Góra ☀️

The project entitled “Revitalization for cultural and educational purposes of degraded and inaccessible parts of the Historic Monument of the Stronghold of Srebrna Góra” has received funding from the Programme “Culture” of the European Economic Area Mechanism 2014-2021, Measure 1. Improvement of cultural heritage management, Sub-measure 1.1. Restoration and revitalization of cultural heritage.
Contractor – Castellum Sp. z o.o.
The value of construction and conservation works for Task 1 – PLN 12 887 694.00 gross.
Completion date is February 2024.
Beneficiary: Srebrna Góra Stronghold Sp. z o.o.
Partner: Fjellugla Kompetanse AS
Design and visualizations: Rafał Karnicki, Maciej Małachowicz, Fest Grupa Sp. z o.o.
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