We would like to thank everyone thanks to whom our press conference, held last Wednesday, March 9th, was so successful.
We would like to express our special thanks to the guests, including the Marshall of Lower Silesia Cezary Przybylski, the Head of Stoszowice Commune Paweł Gancarz, the Treasurer of Stoszowice Commune Katarzyna Ruszkowska, Professor Jerzy Stiller from the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice, Bartosz Żmuda, the Supervision Inspector from CREOPROJECT Sp. z o.o., Andrzej Domański, the President of the Board of INVENI Sp. z o.o. Sp. k.
Many thanks also to the numerous journalists from our region, who came to us from near and far and provided information about our activities and plans in their media, and here are some of the reports:
👉 37th minute: https://wroclaw.tvp.pl/23441516/fakty-o-poranku…

Cezary Przybylski – Marshall of Lower Silesia Province Stoszowice Commune Paweł Gancarz Katarzyna Ruszkowska Emilia Pawnuk Grzegorz Basiński Bartek Zmuda
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“Revitalization for cultural and educational purposes of degraded and inaccessible parts of the Historic Monument of the Stronghold of Srebrna Góra” is implemented within the framework of the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021.