Increasing popularity of defense facilities in the Cross-border region

The Silver Mountain Fortress is located in a cross-border area, which opens up great opportunities for attracting foreign tourists and increasing tourism in the cross-border area. The partner Hanička Fortress is a post-military site with similar characteristics, located not far from the Silver Mountain Fortress. It is undoubtedly a noteworthy point of excursion in the […]
Project RPO WD 2014-2020

Project description Name of the Project: Adaptation and restoration of the Monument of History – Srebrna Góra Stronghold for museum and tourist purposes, together with the creation of a new didactic route in currently inaccessible parts of the monument, co-financed by the European Union as part of the Regional Operational Programme of the Lower Silesian […]
Restoration of degraded and inaccessible parts of the Silver Mountain Fortress Historical Monument for cultural and educational purposes

Together we are working towards a green, competitive and inclusive Europe. The project entitled “Revitalisation for cultural and educational purposes of degraded and inaccessible parts of the Historic Monument of the Stronghold of Srebrna Góra” received funding from the Programme “Culture” of the European Economic Area Mechanism 2014-2021, Measure 1. Improvement of cultural heritage management, […]
Restoration of degraded and inaccessible parts of the Monument of History – Srebrna Góra Stronghold for tourism and cultural purposes, together with necessary technical infrastructure

PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project title: “Revitalization for tourism and cultural functions of degraded and inaccessible parts of the Historical Monument – Srebrna Góra Fortress, along with the necessary technical infrastructure“, within the framework of the Regional Operational Program of the Lower Silesian Voivodeship 2014-2020, co-financed by the European Union, European Regional Development Fund ,Priority Axis 4 […]
Governmental and self-governmental projects

Task recommended for grant from the funds of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage Protection. Case sign: ZP-271-2/19 Unrestricted tender of 06.09.2019 for CONSTRUCTION WORKS FOR TASK: Srebrna Góra, Fortress (18th century), Repair and protection of walls and vaults of the eastern postern potern of the High Rock Fortress in the Stronghold of Srebrna […]